Kondolencje z powodu śmierci Janusza Trawki od Fundacji ECDL

Mr. Marian Noga
Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne
ul. Puławska 39/4
02-508 Warszawa
27 June 2011

Dear Marian
We have learned of the sudden passing of Janusz Trawka. On behalf of ECDL Foundation, I offer all those at PTI together with his family and friends and the team at ECDL Poland our deepest sympathy.
Janusz was a very warm and friendly person and was clearly very supportive of ECDL. Janusz’s approach to developing ECDL in Poland clearly embodied ECDL Foundation’s mission in empowering individuals, organisation and society.
Please pass on my condolences to all in PTI and ECDL Poland.
Yours sincerely,

Damien O’Sullivan
Chief Executive Officer

Condolences Letter

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